Robert O Young is a gold mine of knowledge. He studied science and earned five degrees in it. Robert O Young went on to add three doctorates to his bag of credentials namely a PhD, a D Sc, and a N.D. But Robert O Young has more to him than merely these degrees. He is a scientist of high repute who is also an educator and a microbiologist. But Robert O Young is mostly known for his finding in the field of nutrition and has given eight books to the world on topics pertaining to health and nutrition and the science of blood and microbiology.
Robert O Young says that after researching for over quarter of a century he has understood and been able to explain that all functions of the human body are acidic and that the human organism must maintain its alkaline design in order to remain healthy. Robert O Young talks about how it is essential to maintain the natural alkaline ph of the body so as to lead a healthy and long life. Robert O Young concluded that diseases thrive in an acid environment and that if an oxygenated alkaline atmosphere is built up in the body then it becomes almost impossible for germs to strike. A concept, which is true in the case of cancer-ridden cells. Cancer simply lies dormant in a 7.4 ph while if the alkalinity of the body goes higher up to 8.4 these cancer cells can also be completely washed away and killed.
Dr Robert O Young has devoted his life to solving the puzzle of diseases. He has worked hard at figuring out why and how people get sick. Once he narrowed down on the alkaline ph theory he went on to help people rebalance their lives and regain their health. Many have benefited from his studies and regained what Robert O Young calls, their ‘inner light’. His genius lies in the fact that he bought together studies of various scientists and added his own wisdom to them and derived a conclusion that seemed perfect. Robert O young did not stop here but went on to find a solution for the disease problem of the body too. Robert O Young has proved his metal as a microbiologist who for years researched the connection between over acidification and the development of microorganisms. These microorganisms release metabolic poisons in our body the symptoms of which we call diseases.
Dr Robert O Young strives every day to create awareness about how and why we fall sick as well as educate people about the necessity of maintaining the natural alkaline ph of the body. He heads the Inner Light biological research centre where he develops his theories every day. He researches hard to find cures for diseases like AIDS, cancer and leukemia. Robert O Young is also a member of the American Society of Microbiologists and the American Naturopathic Association. He is a reputed scientist whose work has benefited many people and has also formed the base for many other studies being conducted to benefit mankind.
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