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Water S.O.S is a service based company with core competencies in the fields of Alkaline water purification systems. Our services are designed to benefit people's health and improve their quality of life.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Alkalife Drops - The Benefits Of Alkalife Drops


 What exactly is alkalife? Well simply put they are high alkaline drops which when added to water make the water alkaline. Two drops of water converts any ordinary water into alkaline water which helps alkalize the body and guard it from diseases.

Our normal and natural body ph is slightly alkaline and rests at 7.4. Since all the body functions carried out are acidic in nature this alkaline body ph is a must. If this body ph gets tilted to the acidic side it leads to diseases, cell degeneration as well as fatigue. The answer lies in maintaining this ph level of the body. Simply consuming alkaline foods is only part of the solution. We must consume at least 6 to 8 glasses of alkaline water to help maintain or restore our body ph to its normal ph of 7.4. This is where alkalife steps in. We cannot carry ionsers with us everywhere we go and carrying bottles of alkaline water is too cumbersome too. But carrying a small bottle of alkalife is simple and easy. One can add two drops of alkalife and convert any normal drinking water into alkaline water thus reaping its benefits easily. What is more is that a bottle has about 600 drops which will last for over two months on an average. So one tiny bottle of alkalife has enough supply of alkaline drops and one doe not have to horde many bottles in order to have alkaline water.
The Japanese community has been drinking alkaline water for over four decades now and swears by its benefits. The health of the Japanese is appreciated world wide. Their food is alkaline in nature but they believe in consuming alkaline water too. Mr. Shang Whang evolved alkalife and patented it too. It has a unique ratio of minerals that balances out acidic levels yet does not leave any long term affect on the body. Simply drinking five glasses of alkalife alkaline water will wash away those toxins from the body. Alkalife drops are extremely affective and one can see results within weeks of consumption. Two drops of alkalife added to 8 oz of water fill the glass with OH- alkaline ions and convert the ordinary water into alkaline water.

Many people who are afflicted with serious diseases like arthritis, cancer, coronary diseases have added alkalife to their diets and the change in their energy levels and recovery speed has been phenomenal. Not only does alkalife help fight diseases and keep them at bay it has also helped in weight loss. People desirous to loose weight have found that within a moth of starting alkalife they shed up to ten pounds. Alkalife helps in loosing weight by simply naturalizing the body ph.

Alkalife has given many a new lease of life. People who suffered tremendously from various diseases found great relief in their symptoms almost within days of starting Alkalife. An alkaline life is the only way to lead a healthy and long life and alkalife makes it easy for us to achieve that alkaline life.

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