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Water S.O.S is a service based company with core competencies in the fields of Alkaline water purification systems. Our services are designed to benefit people's health and improve their quality of life.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Acid Alkaline Balance In Your Body - It's Extremely Important


The human body is a complex balance to maintain. There are many functions being carried out simultaneously. But for all these functions to be carried out smoothly one basic requirement is necessary. The ph of the body should be ideally at an alkaline 7.4. If this ph gets tilts towards the acid side then the consequences are disastrous. The body’s acid alkaline balance is a must for the immune system to fight diseases as well as cell degeneration for be prevented.

The acid alkaline balance in the body is at a ratio of ideally 1 is to 4. Where for every one part of acid there are four alkaline parts. This can be easily maintained by eating foods in a similar acid alkaline ratio. We should make sure that about 80 % of our food intake is alkaline in nature while only 20 % of the total food intake is acidic. When we start to consume more of acidic foods our body ph tilts towards the acid side. As soon as this happens cell degeneration starts and the immune system gets weakened. Immediately the acid alkaline balance of the body gets altered. Not only does the body feel fatigued all the time but also becomes a target of various kinds of diseases like arthritis, osteoporoses and even cancer. The human body cells are naturally round in shape and red in color but this when the ph of the body becomes acidic these blood cells become off color as well as loose their shape. Needless to say this causes serious problems. These cells also change their polarity which is normally negative and become positive and so start to stick to the walls of the arteries causing them to clog. The result is coronary diseases. If the natural acid alkaline balance of the body is tampered with serious consequences arise.

The acid alkaline balance ratio must be maintained by consuming alkaline foods. Animal proteins, dairy products, fats, alcohol, and processed foods should not form more that 20 % of our food intake. These are all acid forming foods and if consumed too much cause the acid alkaline balance of the body to tilt to the acid side. On the other hand alkaline foods should be consumed in plenty since they help maintain the acid alkaline balance of the body. Green vegetables, fruits, almonds, honey, and olive oil are all good for maintaining the acid alkaline body balance. Care should be taken to wash the vegetables and fruits thoroughly so as to not consume any pesticides that are sprayed on them. Another important aspect of these alkaline foods is that we should remember that when we cook food we loose its nutrients so as far as possible we should eat them raw. One should stay away from wheat, barely, rice and lentils too. They are acidic in nature also. Lemons though acidic in their essence when consumed leave an alkalizing effect on the body, so help in maintaining the acid alkaline body balance.

Apart from food we also drink water for survival. Ordinary water is not as beneficial as alkaline water is. Alkaline water helps to restore as well as maintain the acid alkaline body balance. One should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of alkaline water so as to wash away those toxins from the body.

The natural acid alkaline balance of the body must be cared for and maintained if one desires to live a healthy and long life. If we ignore the acid alkaline balance of the body we shall be sealing our own death wish

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